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Thank you so much for starting this unique and amazing 90-day transformation journey!


Welcome to the Midlife Passionpreneur 90-day course. This course sets out not only to get you started with a business that fires up your creativity, passion and enthusiasm, but it also provides a platform for you to up-level as a human being to reach a higher positive vibrational state that will impact not just your life, but the lives of those you touch.

The course has two main purposes. The first is to give you the tools and wisdom to overturn the feelings, thoughts and beliefs that keep you stuck in life and the second is to provide you with the practical skills and knowledge on how to get started with a business in the online space and turn it into a success that will forever support and nurture you. The course teachings will call on and harness three energy centres: the heart energy to understand our true creative impulses and craft our message; the head energy to plan, strategize, and structure; and finally the “hara” energy to combine heart and head output and translate into aligned action.

I’m very much about empowering you to move forward with your business ideas, developing, honing and progressing them and then putting things into rapid action. Throughout this journey, I am at your side to guide and support you throughout by several means: email and online coaching calls. I will lovingly bring you back on course if you wander or I will kick your derriere if you start procrastinating. I want to see the transformation as much as you!


Your Course Content

Here is a brief outline and timescales of the course:

  • Module 1: The Power of You – understanding how your energy impacts your ability to attract or repel success and building a powerful reservoir of self-confidence, self-belief and conviction in your success (week 1)
  • Module 2: EAMzing – introducing you to the simple 5-step Energy Alignment Method (EAM) formula to create big positive shifts in your world (week 2)
  • Module 3: Priming You for Success by transforming the blocks – letting go of what’s standing in your way: fear, doubt, overwhelm and re-aligning to ease and success (weeks 2-5)
  • Module 4: The New Empowered You – the 3 Ps of Leadership: Passion, Purpose & People – this is about you and who you want to serve (week 6)
  • Module 5: Aspire to More – creating your vision, validating your business, mapping your goals and creating your Fully Booked Success Plan (weeks 7-8)
  • Module 6: Energised Marketing – taking aligned action in the areas of building traffic with visibility, connection, engagement and giving value via generous contribution and irresistible offers (weeks 9-10)
  • Module 7: Energised Selling, training you how to effortlessly sell but from a place of flow, love and connection (weeks 11-12).
  • Additional content includes content generation ideas, copywriting techniques, meditations, affirmations and of course your 3 one to one EAM coaching sessions with me.


What happens next?

Upon payment, you will have been redirected to the courses homepage, where you will be able to click on the Midlife Passionpreneur course and access the content. The above is a guideline to how quickly to move through the programme. This is a guide only, some people may take longer depending on what comes up under Module 3. 

I will also be sending you an email to book in your one-to-one sessions. If you are stuck at any time or you have questions, you can always email me or direct message me on Facebook for additional guidance and support.

Q&A group Zoom calls may be scheduled at some point. You will be notified in due course of this.

Thank you again so much for putting your trust in me to make this happen and turn your life around.  I look forward to connecting with you soon.

You’re amazing and don’t forget it!


Creator of…

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