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Thank you so much for joining! You’re in for a treat!




Welcome to the Energy Sync Marketing membership. I can assure you that I will make this the best investment of your time and money you’ve ever had. You will definitely get much more than your money back.

I’m very much about empowering you to move forward with your business, developing your ideas, progressing your plans and putting things into action. So it’s not just about learning something new or having a different perspective on something, it’s also about implementing and applying what I teach to get maximum results fast. Too much of the time we stagnate because of being afraid to take the next step for fear of not being good enough, not knowing enough or fearing judgement by others. Well, I’m here to kick your butt too and to raise your energy to octane levels to really ignite your business and to encourage you to take the leap every time.


What happens next?

Once you’ve set up your account and login details, you’ll get an email invite from me to attend the first of our trainings. This first month will be about creating your one page business and life plan and how to set daily tasks aligned to this plan.  The one page idea is so that you can check it daily and see if you are on track. This will take place on Sunday, June 7th (2020) at 12pm BST. It will be either via Facebook  or Zoom. This time may change from month to month, but you will be notified in advance. If you can’t make this live or any of the subsequent lives/trainings, it will be recorded and posted in the membership area along with any worksheets. templates and instructions so that you can login and catch up in your own time (even if that’s a different time zone). You will be notified by email when it’s available to view/download.


Bonus gift

I also mentioned that you would be eligible for a free Energy Alignment Method session with me of up to 90 minutes (I normally charge $70 per hour). This is to teach you the principles of EAM and how you can apply that to the tasks in hand to remove any fear, concerns or any other obstacles (e.g. overwhelm) standing in your way to taking the action. To book in your session, please email me your available times to I will then confirm the best time slot for us both and ask you to complete a short questionnaire about you, your business ideas, ambitions and what may be holding you back in life (and in your business).

Thank you again so much and I look forward to connecting with you soon.

You’re amazing and don’t forget it!



Creator of…
