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The Manifestation Portal is a monthly membership designed to help you manifest your heart’s intention by going through the Manifestation Triangle:

  1. Creating Energetic Coherence = Flow Energy, which is created using the Energy Alignment Method and sustained through gratitude meditations.
  2. Utilising your Imagination in such a way that you move the energy (your San Culpa or Soul’s Intention) from its imaginative state into physical form using the Creation Technique (a unique, proprietary manifestation technique).
  3. Building a strong pillar of faith to enable you to surrender, i.e. detach from the how and when, and to allow for Divine intervention and co-creation.


We meet once a week, every Tuesday morning at 6.30am London time for an hour. It will really set you up for the week ahead and give you concrete steps to shift the energy into positive manifestation and taking inspired action.

You can join and exit at any time (although you are committed to current month’s payment). It is designed to support you for as long as you need it. But just an advisory note: when you leave the group, you leave a safe, nurturing and encouraging space where you can share and get feedback from a warm and vibrant community of like-minded, like-hearted and like-spirited individuals. Being with other positive people helps in the manifestation process. It becomes a type of mastermind in the fashion of Think & Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill).

You may be thinking it’s too cheap, but I’m here to serve in a big and most profound way. That is my calling and mission. The only way to accomplish this and create the biggest ripple effect is to make it accessible to as many as possible. My intention is to raise the vibration of this planet. By being part of this community, you too contribute in this mission. Are you with me on this? I do hope so!

Much love,
